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Adult Faith Formation

Our parish mission encourages people to build relationships with Jesus and with one another; we seek to fulfill this by offering events and programs that help adults to know and love Jesus Christ. 


What is Adult Faith Formation? 

Adult Faith Formation facilitates continuing spiritual growth for adults in the Santiam Vicariate and broader community. 

Who can attend Adult Faith Formation events? 

Adult Faith Formation events are for everyone.

Current & Upcoming Faith Formation Events

Annually we have a mission retreats and offer many small groups for men and women.

2025 Lenten Bible Study

What is your plan for Lent this year? If you are new to the faith or a cradle Catholic we all know someone who's drifted from the faith or someone who may want to dive deeper into God's love letter to us, the Bible. Join us in listening to the Augustine Institute founder Curtis Martin and Dr. Edward Sri in a video series that includes group discussions. They will walk us through scripture, take us deeper into the truth of the Gospel message, by teaching us how to draw ourselves and loved ones closer to Jesus Christ and His Church. Come Thursday, March 6th at 5:45pm in the parish hall for more information. This bible study is open to everyone in our parish and the vicariate. 

With these sessions we will reencounter the heart of the Gospel and learn how to share God‘s story with others through His word. We all need to be reminded of what God's been telling us all along: YOU are not alone. YOU are loved. YOU are His!

Curtis & Dr. Sri encourage us to form small bible study groups for this study & future studies . Please be thinking about if you'd like to join a small bible study group, at the parish on Thursday nights, in your home, with your family, or at the church at another time.                     

There's also an interactive Lenten calendar free through FORMED for self study & for families to enjoy!

OCIA Family Faith Formation Program


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