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Men's Ministry


Be the man God is calling you to be!

The mission of the men's ministry at Immaculate Conception is to provide a space and bring men in our community together for opportunities of fellowship, prayer, reflection, and encouragement. 

This group is open to all men, those single, engaged, or married; for those with or without children; for parishioners and non-parishioners. 


The Men's Group started again Tuesday, September 24, 6:00-7:00 AM at Immaculate Conception Parish Hall.

The video series, called Metanoia, is led by Fr. Dave Pivonka, President of Franciscan University of Steubenville. Metanoia means "change in one's way of life resulting from spiritual conversion." As in the past, a warm breakfast will be provided, and there is no cost to attend. Please plan to come, and plan to bring a friend. No doubt it will enliven your life and may make all the difference in a friend's life as well! 

For more information call Mike Jaeger at 503-871-0227.

Past Programs:


A 12 week Men’s Video Series Entitled “Into the Breach” began September 21, 6:00 -7:00 AM in the Immaculate Conception Parish Hall. The program is free, and there will be a warm breakfast provided. This is an opportunity for men to get together and learn to stand in the breach for their families and faith community. “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17. Please come and share with other men as we strengthen our faith, our leadership and our families. For more information, contact Mike Jaeger, 503-871-0227, or visit this program at


Beginning Tuesday mornings, from 6-7:00 am in Immaculate Conception church's parish hall, we invite our vicariate men to our Men’s program. Starting with a warm breakfast, fellowship, followed by a video and table discussion. Our Fall series is entitled “Living Joy” an 11-week video series narrated by Chris Stefanick of Real Life Catholic. Centered around the scripture verse from Philippians, 4:4, “Rejoice always! Again, I say rejoice" During this challenging time we live in we ask is this even possible? Together we explore how it is possible with Christ through this series' topics. Please join us and bring a friend, it may make all the difference in your life, and in theirs.

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