Homily of the Epiphany Sunday, Year C: 2025
The gospel today focuses on the magi’s journey of faith. They were from foreign countries, but they were looking for the true King to worship.
First, they found a special star in the sky, and they knew a new King was born in Israel but did not know exactly where. They followed the star which led them to Jerusalem. Then the star disappeared. They paid tribute to King Herod and asked him where the new King of Israel was born. The scribes opened the scriptures and found a prophet message about a King who would come from Bethlehem.
The first lesson we should learn about is how the scribes, King Herod did and people in Jerusalem reacted after they read the prophecy about the new King? Ignorance, jealousy and coldness.
As Jesus pointed them out later: They were hypocritical and arrogant; they learned the Scriptures but they did not believe in the Scriptures. Jesus came and lived with them, they did not acknowledge him as the Son of God who dwelled among them. Like Saint John said: they lived in darkness of sins, so they did not accept the Light.
King Herod When he learned about the newborn king from the Magi, he wanted to destroy the child. He behaved like that because he belonged to darkness, not the light; in other words, he belonged to this world, not the Kingdom of heaven.
Magi are examples for all of us. First they found the star, then they found the scriptures. They did not only listen to the Word of God, but they also wanted to understand its meanings. One thing we can learn from the Magi is that: they keep their eyes on the star. The star represents hope. Hope sometimes dimmed or disappeared, but they kept going forward with good faith. They believed that when they saw the true King, they would be satisfied.
Dear friends in Christ, let us ask ourselves a question: what is my attitude to the Word of God? Do I like the chief priests and scribes who know the bible, but do not care what it means in our daily life? Do I like King Herod who denied Jesus to rule us because we don’t want to change our heart for Christ? Jesus said: whoever wants to follow me, deny oneself, take up his cross and follow me. Or do I like those magi who had a zeal to know, to adore and to serve the true God? Jesus is the light to the world. To remain in his light will not be easy because of our weakness and sins. We need to be humble and persevere like the Magi. We need to open our ears and our heart to the angel’s voice, in order to not to be lost.
The Feast of Epiphany is the manifestation of God to the world. God is merciful. He had made his name known to the gentiles that day, and he will continue to do that until the end of time. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace to people of good will.” Whoever has a good and humble heart will recognize his presence in his/her life. Jesus’ disciples should be a “guiding star” to guide others to Christ. Saint Francis of Assisi prayer: Lord make me an instrument of peace! This is the prayer we should pray and live every day.
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