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Homily of Holy Thursday

Fr Luan Nguyen • March 28, 2024

Homily of the Last Supper according to John, 2024

Tonight, after the homily, you will witness a priest and deacon follow Jesus’ example of serving others. Many of us may be like Peter who was shocked at what was going on; Jesus, the Son of God, who stooped down to wash his disciples’ feet, unthinkable. If He is Master, Teacher, and Lord, but he humbled himself and washed his disciples’ feet, so we have to wash feet of each other. Do you see the tragic problem in this episode? The tragic problem is, like Peter; we struggle to accept God’s way of love in our daily life. We want Jesus to listen to our prayers; stubborn enough, we sometimes think our way is right and God’s way is wrong. I call it a tragic problem because our ways and our thinking are selfish and lead to destruction of our eternal life. We often are stuck in our own needs, but not of others. Peter had learned a big lesson of humility and love on that night, so do we? During these three important days, we all should look upon Jesus to see how he surrendered; how he became a sacrifice Lamb to his Father for the salvation of the world. So the first lesson is: we should let the Word of God, the love of God guide our thoughts, our decisions and our life, not the other ways around.

Secondly, in the last Supper, Jesus instituted two sacraments; the Holy Order and the Eucharist. In the second reading, Saint Paul recalled: “on the night he was handed over, took bread, and after he had given thanks, broke it, and said, “This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way also the cup, after supper, saying,” this cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this in remembrance of me.” Saint John has used the whole chapter six to teach about Eucharist. For example, in John 6:51, Jesus said: “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” Then in John 6:53 he said: “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day.” Do you see how important the Eucharist is to our Catholic faith?

Dear friends in Christ, what is the Last Supper about? You may ask. The Last Supper is about one thing: “LOVE”. Saint John begins this passage by saying: “He loved his own in the world and he loved them to the end.” Eucharist is about “Divine Love.” The world accepts his love and salvation or not, God’s love is still poured out to the world. It is a human tragedy when 70% of Catholics do not believe in the Real Presence in the Eucharist or do not understand what they are receiving. The lesson is in Saint John gospel: we will act like Judas if we receive the Holy Communion without faith or without understanding of His Love. Judas after receiving the morsel from Jesus’ hand, he left the room immediately and it was dark. This evening and all the days of our life, each of us should renew our faith in Eucharist. We believe the sacrifice of the Mass is the same sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross, in Golgotha two thousand years ago, except in a bloody manner. The sacrifice of the Mass brings the same spiritual effects to our souls and to the world as Jesus died on the cross. So, tonight and every day in our life, we should have more respect and love for the Eucharist. Ask yourselves what you can do to express your reverence and your love to the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ? There are things the Church wants us to do with the Holy Communion: making an act of thanksgiving after you received the Holy Communion, don’t just walk out right after you receive Him. Going to confession more regularly; visiting the Blessed Sacrament in the church whenever you have time.

Dear Candidates and elect, you will participate with us in the Eucharistic fully on Easter vigil night. I invite you to reflect deeply how the Lord loves you through the sacraments you will receive. If people ask you why you go to Mass on Sunday and what do you receive at Mass? You should profess boldly without fear: We are receiving the Body and Blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ at Mass. We receive his love.

The Church Fathers said: no priests, no Eucharist; no Eucharist, no Church. Tonight and every day in our life, we also pray for the increase of vocation of the priesthood around the world. We pray for more good and faithful priests after our savior’s heart.

By Mary Sangster April 20, 2024
“I am the Good Shepherd. I know mine and mine know me.” This John gospel is a consolation to me. So I hope it is also a consolation to you. Recently, I received an email from a parishioner who shared with me that: he is struggling with his faith when he saw our church leaders and our ministers have not lived as they supposed to be. They lived a double life. In response, I replied to him that he was right that many church leaders or community leaders failed us. However, I also remind him that our faith is in Jesus who is a “Good Shepherd,” not in human beings. Human beings are never perfect and holy as Jesus. We know that Jesus called priests from human beings, and priests still carry in them their personalities, their weakness and their broken wounds, etc. So, I ask you not to give up on us, but to pray for priests and for all pastors in the universal Church; may they be faithful and truthful to what they preach. I heard a story about Cardinal Levada who was an Archbishop of this archdiocese. On the day he left Portland for a new assignment he said to his priests: “as people made you good priests, so you, priests, made me a better bishop.” So, with your prayers, encouragement and loving supports, you can make good priest for the Church. So don’t give up on us, but help us to become holy priests after our Good Shepherd. The point is: when you have a bad experience with a priest, a monk, a nun or even a bishop, you should look up to Jesus, our Good Shepherd, and pray for them. Jesus knows each of us by name. Do we know him? Knowing him very well does not only know who is he; how he lived his life; how he died; and what is his teaching etc. but also know who he wants us to be and what he wants us to do in every situations in our daily life. Knowing also means trusting. We should trust him totally in whatever situation we are. We have to trust in his guidance and his grace. Saint John said: If someone says he/she knows Him but still live in sins is a liar. So knowing Jesus also means to repent and change our way of life to His holy way. Brothers and sisters in Christ, sheep are supposed to follow their shepherd, not another way around. As the psalmist said, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Although we are walking in the dark valley, we will not fear because he is with us. He will deliver us from all dangers if we have faith in Him and do what he wants. He will forgive us if we trust in his mercy and ask for forgiveness. This weekend, together with the universal Church, we pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. We pray that our Heavenly Father give us more good priests and religious brothers and sisters after our Shepherd’s heart. Parents should support and guide your sons and daughters who have a will to follow Jesus. Encourage them to participate in this parish community. To those boys in high school age, I encourage you to register to Quo Vadis camp and youth Steubenville Northwest, etc. those camps are eye opening for young people.
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